“One of the best documentaries I have seen this year…..the film is fearless, insightful, and has a big heart for those who are in this long but beautiful struggle.”

Charles Mudede, The Stranger

Witness Bahrain is an authentic account of how Bahraini medics and others have tried to cope in the aftermath of the government crackdown that began in 2011. It shows the day to day, night to night reality of what it’s like to live under repressive regime, and the courage of those who show defiance.”

Brian Dooley, Director of Human Rights Defenders program, Human Rights First

Next Screening:

Peace On Earth Film Festival
Saturday, March 11, 2017 4:25pm
at Music Box Theatre, 3733 N Southport Ave, Chicago, IL

Director/Producer Jen Marlowe to lead Q&A


